Sensor ocsaidean fuasgailte didseatach

  • Transmitter fluorescence electrode àrd-chruinneas DO le rianadair didseatach T6046

    Transmitter fluorescence electrode àrd-chruinneas DO le rianadair didseatach T6046

    Tapadh leibh airson ur taic. Please read this manual carefully before use.The correct use will maximize the performance and advantages of the product, and bring you a good experience.When receiving the instrument, please open the package carefully, check whether the instrument and accessories are damaged by transportation and ge bith a bheil na sgeadachadh coileanta. If anyabnormalities are found, please contact our after-sales service department or regional customer service center, and keep the package for return processing.This instrument is an analytical measurement and control instrument with highly precision.Only skilled,trained or authorized person should carry out installation, setup and operation of the instrument.Ensure that the power cable is physically separated from the
    Nuair a bhios an ceangal no an càradh.Aon uair 's gu bheil an duilgheadas sàbhailteachd a' tachairt, dèan cinnteach gu bheil cumhachd an ionnstramaid dheth agus air a dhì-cheangal.
  • Mion-sgrùdaire Meatair Oxygen Fuasgladh Fluorescence Air-loidhne T4046

    Mion-sgrùdaire Meatair Oxygen Fuasgladh Fluorescence Air-loidhne T4046

    Tha Ocsaidean Ocsaidean Meatair Mets Arxime air-loidhne TXERANT AIR AIR-OBLACHD AIR A CHUR AIR A CHUR AIR A DHÈANAMH LEIS A 'GABHAIL A' GABHAIL A-STEACH CÀILEACHD CÀILEACHD air-loidhne le mearachd microposeor. Tha an inneal uidheamaichte le mothachairean ocsaidean fuasgailte fluorescent. Tha am meatair ocsaidean fuasgailte air-loidhne na sgrùdaiche leantainneach air-loidhne fìor thuigseach. Faodaidh e a bhith uidheamaichte le dealanan flùraiseach gus raon farsaing de thomhas ppm a choileanadh gu fèin-ghluasadach. Tha e na ionnsramaid sònraichte airson a bhith a 'lorg susbaint ocsaidean ann an liquids ann an Gnìomhachasan Constair co-cheangailte ri òtrys.the meatair ocsaidean air-loidhne airson
    lorg susbaint ocsaidean ann an lioftaichean ann an gnìomhachasan dìon àrainneachd co-cheangailte ri òtrachas. Tha na feartan aige de fhreagairt luath, seasmhachd, earbsachd, agus cosgais cleachdaidh ìosal, agus tha e freagarrach airson a chleachdadh air sgèile mhòr ann an lusan uisge, tancaichean èadhair, tuathanas-uisge agus ionadan làimhseachaidh òtrachais.
  • Sensor ocsaidean sgaoilidh didseatach CS4760D

    Sensor ocsaidean sgaoilidh didseatach CS4760D

    Bidh dealan ogsaidean leaghte fluorescent a’ gabhail ri prionnsapal fiosaig optigeach, gun ath-bhualadh ceimigeach ann an tomhas, gun bhuaidh builgeanan, stàladh agus tomhas tanca èadhair / anaerobic nas seasmhaiche, gun chumail suas san ùine as fhaide air adhart, agus nas freagarraiche airson a chleachdadh. Electrode fluorescent ocsaidean.
  • CS4773D Sensor ocsaidean fuasgailte didseatach

    CS4773D Sensor ocsaidean fuasgailte didseatach

    Tha sensor ocsaidean fuasgailte na ghinealach ùr de sensor didseatach lorg càileachd uisge tuigseach air a leasachadh gu neo-eisimeileach le twinno. Data viewing, debugging and maintenance can be carried out through mobile APP or computer. Dissolved oxygen on-line detector has the advantages of simple maintenance, high stability, superior repeatability and multi-function. It can accurately measure DO value and temperature value in solution. Dissolved oxygen sensor is widely used in wastewater treatment, purified water, circulating water, boiler water and other systems, as well as electronics, aquaculture, food, printing and dyeing, electroplating, pharmaceutical, fermentation, chemical aquaculture and tap water and other solutions of the continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen value.