Mion-sgrùdaire Algae Didseatach Gorm-uaine

  • Sensor algae gorm uaine air-loidhne le fèin-ghlanadh T6401

    Sensor algae gorm uaine air-loidhne le fèin-ghlanadh T6401

    Is e inneal sgrùdaidh agus smachd càileachd uisge air-loidhne le microprocessor a th’ ann an Industrial Blue-Green Algae Online Analyzer. It is widely used in power plants, petrochemical industry, metallurgical electronics, mining, paper industry, food and beverage industry, environmental protection water treatment, aquaculture and other industries. The Blue-Green Algae value and temperature value of water solution are continuously monitored and controlled.The principle of CS6401D Blue-Green Algae Sensor is using the characteristics of cyanobacteria who has absorption peaks and emission peaks in the spectrum. The absorption peaks emit monochromatic light into the water, cyanobacteria in the water absorbs the energy of monochromatic light, releasing monochromatic light of emission peak of another wavelength. Is e an dian solais a tha cyanobacteria a’ sgaoileadh
    co-roinneil ri susbaint cyanobacteria ann an uisge.
  • Mion-sgrùdaidhean air-loidhne lag-uaine algae-uaine T6401 Sensor càileachd uisge ioma -pan

    Mion-sgrùdaidhean air-loidhne lag-uaine algae-uaine T6401 Sensor càileachd uisge ioma -pan

    Is e inneal sgrùdaidh agus smachd càileachd uisge air-loidhne le microprocessor a th’ ann an Industrial Blue-Green Algae Online Analyzer. It is widely used in power plants, petrochemical industry, metallurgical electronics, mining, paper industry, food and beverage industry, environmental protection water treatment, aquaculture and other industries. The Blue-Green Algae value and temperature value of water solution are continuously monitored and controlled.The principle of CS6401D Blue-Green Algae Sensor is using the characteristics of cyanobacteria who has absorption peaks and emission peaks in the spectrum. The absorption peaks emit monochromatic light into the water, cyanobacteria in the water absorbs the energy of monochromatic light, releasing monochromatic light of emission peak of another wavelength. Is e an dian solais a tha cyanobacteria a’ sgaoileadh
    co-roinneil ri susbaint cyanobacteria ann an uisge.
  • CS6401D Sensor Càileachd Uisge RS485 Sensor Algae Gorm-uaine

    CS6401D Sensor Càileachd Uisge RS485 Sensor Algae Gorm-uaine

    Bidh sensor algae gorm-uaine CS6041D a’ cleachdadh feart cyanobacteria le stùc in-ghabhail agus stùc sgaoilidh san speactram gus solas monochromatic de tonn-tonn sònraichte a chuir a-mach don uisge. Bidh cyanobacteria san uisge a’ gabhail a-steach lùth an t-solais monochromatic seo agus a’ leigeil ma sgaoil solas monochromatic tonn-tonn eile. Tha an dian solais a tha cyanobacteria a’ sgaoileadh a rèir susbaint cyanobacteria san uisge. lorg, gus buaidh sampallan uisge sgeilp a sheachnadh; Sensor didseatach, comas làidir an-aghaidh eadar-theachd, astar tar-chuir fada; Faodar toradh comharran didseatach àbhaisteach a bhith air am filleadh a-steach agus lìonrachadh le innealan eile às aonais rianadair.
  • Sensor Algae didseatach RS485 Gorm-uaine airson Mion-sgrùdadh Càileachd Uisge CS6401D

    Sensor Algae didseatach RS485 Gorm-uaine airson Mion-sgrùdadh Càileachd Uisge CS6401D

    Bidh sensor algae gorm-uaine CS6041D a’ cleachdadh feart cyanobacteria le stùc in-ghabhail agus stùc sgaoilidh san speactram gus solas monochromatic de tonn-tonn sònraichte a chuir a-mach don uisge. Bidh cyanobacteria san uisge a’ gabhail a-steach lùth an t-solais monochromatic seo agus a’ leigeil ma sgaoil solas monochromatic tonn-tonn eile. Tha an dian solais a tha cyanobacteria a’ sgaoileadh a rèir susbaint cyanobacteria san uisge. lorg, gus buaidh sampallan uisge sgeilp a sheachnadh; Sensor didseatach, comas làidir an-aghaidh eadar-theachd, astar tar-chuir fada; Faodar toradh comharran didseatach àbhaisteach a bhith air am filleadh a-steach agus lìonrachadh le innealan eile às aonais rianadair.